EF Skills

Welcome to the FLIPP the Switch website. The FLIPP the Switch books were written to help parents and educators support their children and students who struggle with executive function skills. Our mission is to help all students experience more success in school and in all other areas of life through providing caring adults with resources to make a difference.

If you search for executive function skills online, you will find a variety of models that include anywhere from 3-12 different skills that are considered to be under the umbrella of executive functioning. In the FLIPP model, we consider five key executive function skills that spell out the acronym FLIPP: Flexibility, Leveled Emotionality, Impulse Control, Planning, and Problem Solving.

FlexibilityThe ability to change your mind and make changes to your plans as needed.
Leveled EmotionalityThe ability to emotionally self-regulate and avoid extensive mood swings.
Impulse ControlThe ability to control your impulses, such as waiting to speak until called upon.
Planning & OrganizationThe ability to make plans and keep track of time and materials so that work is finished on time.
Problem SolvingThe ability to know when there is a problem that needs to be solved, generate solutions, select one, and evaluate the outcome.
FLIPP component definitions (Wilkins, S. & Burmeister, C., 2015).

In addition, working memory plays a big part in executive function. Working memory refers to the ability to hold and manipulate information so that you can problem-solve and plan. Individuals with low working memory skills struggle to hold information in their brains long enough to process it and act on it.

Executive function skills are necessary for school success at all levels.